Powering the next generation of multi-domain synthetic training environments


Hadean is powering the next generation of multi-domain training in single synthetic environments that are scalable, interoperable, secure, and deeply integrated with real-world data. Learn more about Hadean’s capabilities for powering next-generation synthetic environments.

3 min read

Digital transformation is a major driver of innovation and improvement in training capabilities across the world’s most advanced militaries.

As part of a wave of deep-tech SMEs striving to break barriers in defence technology, Hadean is proud to provide cutting edge solutions that can help increase preparedness, secure mission success, and save lives.

By applying our next-generation infrastructure for building, running, and distributing virtual worlds, Hadean unlocks the potential of modern training capability which has traditionally been hampered by technological constraints.

The limits of legacy training simulations

Simulation systems have long been used to train troops in domain-specific scenarios and skillsets, such as piloting, weapons handling, or wargaming. By simulating real-world environments to a high degree of fidelity in immersive synthetic environments, troops are able to develop their skills and familiarise themselves with operational tactics and protocols in a cost-effective, convenient and secure manner. The development of multi-domain synthetic training environments has therefore led to sharper and better prepared armed forces.

However, synthetic training environments have come up against the constraints of legacy computation and networking technology which, until recently, have only allowed for these simulations to be built in isolation from each other, and with limited fidelity and scope.

These siloed simulations do little to accustom troops to the realities of joint operations, which must be made up for in the costly and logistically complex organisation of full-scale field exercises

Harnessing technological advancements in spatial computing and networking to enable high-quality collective training has thus been a major objective in the digital transformation strategies of the world’s defence organisations.

Powering the next generation of synthetic training environments

Hadean’s distributed computing platform is tailor-made for achieving unprecedented scale and concurrency in deeply integrated, interoperable, and secure synthetic environments.

This enables collective training in multi-domain synthetic environments that meet the simulation requirements of a myriad of roles within a single operating environment, with an underlying infrastructure that allows for ultimate flexibility in the composability of scenarios, integration of data libraries, deployment to geographically disparate users and exploitation of valuable training data.

This July, Hadean was proudly selected to deliver a technology demonstrator to the British Army under the Collective Training Transformation Programme (CTTP), centred on federating live data feeds from different LVC training systems into a single immersive simulation.

We are also currently working in partnership with both CAE and BAE Air Systems to build large-scale, data-rich multi-domain synthetic environments that allow geographically disparate users to train together.

Beyond this, we have entered a Memorandum of Understanding with Thales and PLEXSYS, with a view to consolidating our collective expertise for future projects, as well as teaming up with Cervus.ai to develop a cutting-edge decision support tool to strengthen the British Army’s procurement strategy.

These joint efforts with some of the sector’s biggest players form part of our vision for defence synthetic enablement, to leverage our unique distributed computing capabilities to build scalable, interoperable, and secure synthetic environments that can support and empower militaries across all operational and tactical contexts and domains.

The multi-domain synthetic training environment whitepaper

This whitepaper provides a comprehensive overview of our capabilities for powering multi-domain synthetic training environments, including key technical details on:

  • Interoperability 
  • Scale 
  • Data management
  • Security