Army Collective Training Service

Hadean’s spatial computing platform modernises how soldiers train to face the complexity of a real operating environment.

The Army Collective Training Service (ACTS), formerly known as the Collective Training Transformation Programme (CTTP), is a UK Ministry of Defence initiative which aims to overhaul British Army training protocols and enhance how soldiers prepare for multi-domain operations in the dynamic modern battlespace.


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Hadean’s spatial computing platform modernises how soldiers train to face the complexity of a real operating environment.

We blended 2D, 3D, and Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) elements into one immersive training simulation. This would be capable of running large training scenarios for remotely located physical and virtual users, without compromising on fidelity or complexity.

The Common Operating Picture

Our spatial intelligence platform transcends the boundaries of existing simulation systems to maximise training output by creating a common operating picture for multi-domain training that reflects the strategic complexity of the real world.

Singular Operating Picture

Combined data from multiple sources and simulators into a common operating picture


Simultaneous Tracking

Integrated disparate systems to allow simultaneous tracking of LVC elements with a scalable backend allowing for unlimited entities to be tracked and/or simulated


Data Management

Centralised data management to allow for seamless filtering of data and viewpoints at a command level


Global User Distribution

Ensured reliable, undisturbed, low-latency connectivity for globally distributed users on any device, even in austere conditions


Monitoring & Analytics

Integrated data analytics and monitoring to capture insights for improving training capabilities and future performance output.

The Collective Training Transformation Programme (CTTP) [now known as ACTS] is working with Hadean… to showcase how the technology from the commercial games industry could support transformation of training with the introduction of a Synthetic Environment Platform.
Mike Cooper

Senior Responsible Owner (SRO), CTTP, UK Ministry of Defence,