Transport & Logistics

Hadean combines real-time data from assets with real-world information to gain fleet performance insights and identify areas for improvement. We allow you to maximise efficiency, reduce costs and meet sustainability goals whilst enabling smarter planning, better operational awareness, and superior decision-making.


Infrastructure Planning

Infrastructure is the backbone of economic growth and societal development. Hadean’s powerful simulation technology enables urban planners, engineers, and policymakers to model large scale and complex infrastructures such as national digital twins of highways and rail networks. High-fidelity, interactive models exploit Hadean’s pattern-of-life AI to provide insights into traffic flows, population growth, markets and environmental impact.

Hadean empowers you to optimise resource allocations, reduce costs, and create sustainable infrastructures that are resilient to future challenges before breaking ground.



Hadean helps businesses and governments anticipate, withstand, and adapt to critical incidents and disruptions. Hadean provides predictive analytics and simulations to model the effects of potential crises, evaluate impact on your operations, and develop robust contingency plans.

By identifying vulnerabilities and stress-testing your systems and value chain against various scenarios, Hadean ensures you are prepared for the unexpected. Strengthen your supply chains, protect critical assets, and maintain continuity of your operations.


Supply Chain Visibility

Real-time understanding of your supply chain isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity. Hadean is a spatial intelligence platform that integrates data from open data sources, IoT devices, logistics systems, and global tracking technologies into a single, coherent view. With end-to-end transparency, monitor shipments, anticipate disruptions, and take proactive action to avoid supplier risk and customer disappointment.

Hadean transforms vast amounts of your supply chain data into actionable insights, enhanced stakeholder collaboration and a reliable, efficient, competitive advantage.

Hadean Technology

Hadean provides the most realistic, scalable, globally distributed and real-time synthetic environments that enable governments and commercial enterprises to plan, train and make faster, better and autonomous decisions.