hadean defence

ai-powered spatial computing

Make Decisions with Certainty

Near-peer conflict and asymmetric warfare must be met with effective training and operations. To face the battlespace of the 21st century, defence must modernise.

Hadean is a super-orchestrator that seamlessly integrates domains, systems and technologies.

We bridge physical and virtual worlds for training, decisions, and strategy.

welcome to hadean labs

Step into Hadean Labs, where dual-use tech meets disruptive innovation. Experience our AI-powered spatial computing capabilities, designed to transform the way we approach simulations in defence and beyond.

Blended LVC Training Environments

Selected to help validate the British Army’s cloud simulation platform approach and maximise the output value of in-service training systems, as part of ACTS (Army Collective Training System).

Data-driven Decision Support

Partnered with Cervus to develop an advanced decision support tool for the Field Army. FORGE delivers strategic insights and generates decision advantage through rapid scenario iteration and analysis.

Multi-domain Training

Powered an immersive, expansive and interoperable multi-domain synthetic training environments with BAE Systems Air and partners for Project OdySSEy.

AUKUS-aligned Ιnnovation

Tested and evaluated novel C-UAS high-energy capabilities in AI-powered spatial synthetic environments as part of an industry-led event, October Sky.

Nationwide Simulations For Global Governance

Collaborated with CAE to create country and city-scale simulations that reflect, visualise, and address global governance and national security challenges.

trusted by

Bae Systems
British Army
Epic Games
Ministry of Defence
Snow Flake
St Engineering
Bae Systems
British Army
Epic Games
Ministry of Defence
Snow Flake
St Engineering