Pioneering Human-Machine Teaming at JIFX


Hadean joins JIFX to innovate with AI-powered spatial tech for human-machine teaming, supporting US DoD with real-time data integration and visualization.

4 min read

Hadean is excited to announce our first-ever participation in the Joint Interagency Field Experimentation (JIFX) event, organised by the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). JIFX, held quarterly, serves as a perfect opportunity for rapid technological development, cross-technology collaboration, bringing together the Department of Defense (DoD), other US government departments, and allied stakeholders to address current and emerging national and collective security challenges. 

The event is a massive milestone for Hadean, reflecting our commitment to support our partners in the DoD and built on direct user feedback. With state-of-the-art technology, we continue to expand into the North American market. This achievement is driven by our dedication to deploy and evolve our solutions, ensuring we solve the most complex real-world problems in support of high-impact and high-consequence users, including US Government users and commanders.

Hadean’s participation

JIFX perfectly aligns with Hadean’s mission to bridge physical and virtual worlds, pushing innovation forward and addressing the critical need for spatial and AI technology to enable effective human-machine teaming in the US DoD and wider across the US Government.

Testing and evaluating the effect of autonomous systems, or enabling drone swarming, requires open systems to enable for the seamless communication and coordination for training or live operations. JIFX will provide the platform to partner and collaborate with other exciting technology providers from wide-ranging tech development industries. By leveraging our ecosystem and agnostic integration approach, we will experiment with their technology to create truly cutting-edge solutions for human-machine teaming.

Our technical offering

For the upcoming JIFX experiment, in August, Hadean plans to integrate inputs from live data systems provided by industry partners participating in the event. This will be combined with COPERS to generate a synthetic wrap of the exercise, augmented with AI-enabled simulated elements to enhance the scenario’s scale and complexity. Our aim is to export in real-time data via an onsite 4G communications network to a cloud-hosted instance of our spatial engine. This setup will provide a real-time common operating picture with 2D and 3D visualisations for both on-ground analysts at Camp Roberts and commanders at distributed headquarters. We will also offer a birds-eye and first-person view of any simulated or physically reporting troop or element in the battlespace.

At the heart of Hadean’s participation is our AI-powered spatial intelligence platform that integrates and orchestrates data in real-time into a multi-domain, multi-system, and multi-level (tactical up to strategic) common operating picture (COP). By using industry standards like DIS and HLA, and providing third-party support via API for direct integration or bridging data formats like XML found in CivTak/ATAK, our platform ensures seamless interoperability. This agnostic approach to data formats enables the modernisation of legacy capabilities, adding value for better, faster and more efficient planning, training and decision-making.

Swarming technologies are already being deployed on the battlefield and will likely become pervasive in the near future. A force’s ability to effectively, accurately and quickly team with machines will be a decisive advantage. By integrating our spatial intelligence platform with these advanced drone systems, we aim to enhance communication, coordination, and decision-making capabilities through immersive and interchangeable synthetic environments. This will allow us to push the boundaries of what’s possible in drone technology, providing richer training outcomes and operational efficiencies.

What does this mean?

Hadean’s involvement in JIFX represents a significant step forward in our mission to drive technological innovation in the US DoD. The event aligns perfectly with Hadean’s agnostic approach towards technologies and our drive to speed up the development of novel capabilities. 

Our experiments will cover Plan | Train | Decide, a comprehensive approach to military preparedness. ‘Plan’ involves strategic planning and scenario development, ensuring readiness for a wide range of situations. ‘Train’ focuses on immersive, realistic training environments where personnel can hone their skills and tactics. ‘Decide’ emphasises live situational awareness, enabling rapid decision-making and effective responses in real-time scenarios. 

The week’s effort will heavily focus on offering a solution that allows better decision making. It will hopefully showcase our ability to provide advanced situational intelligence, enhancing operational effectiveness and responsiveness.