Carbon reduction plan


Hadean Supercomputing Ltd and subsidiary companies are committed to achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050.

Emissions Reported

Categories reported against are as follows:

ScopeDefinitionHadean Relevance
Scope 1Focus on direct emission sources. This includes:
– Stationary combustion
– Mobile combustion
– Process emissions
– Fugitive emissions
Office: Hadean rents a shared workspace = no direct impact.
Company Vehicles: Hadean has no Company Vehicles = no direct impact.
Scope 2Focus on indirect emission sources. This includes:
– Electricity, heat or steam.
– Office emissions/costs.
Hadean works in a shared office, thus not in control of purchasing energy or selecting the supplier/source, and an estimate is therefore provided by the building controller.
Scope 3Focus on other indirect emissions:
– Upstream: Business travel, suppliers/purchased goods and services (cloud storage), commuting, suppliers
– Downstream: use of product post-sale, end of life treatment.
Hadean has no manufacturing or stock and no downstream activities have been identified. Business travel is therefore the primary initiative, and as secondary cloud computing.

Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

The Baseline Period is the year to 31-Jan-2023.


Reporting Year: to 31 Jan 2023
EmissionsTotal  (tCO2e)
Scope 10
Scope 216
Scope 3336
Total Emissions352
Carbon Emissions - 31 Jan 2023

Reporting Period

The Reporting Period is the year to 31-Jan-2024.


Reporting Year: to 31 Jan 2024
EmissionsTotal  (tCO2e)Change vs BaselineChange %
Scope 100
Scope 214(2)(13)%
Scope 3316(20)(6)%
Total Emissions330(22)(6)%
Carbon Emissions - 31 Jan 2024


Baseline Year Emissions vs Current Year Emissions:

Carbon Emissions Comparison

Emissions reduction targets

Hadean intends to reduce their emissions in line with the global climate goals such as the Paris Agreement 2016. These targets include:

By 2030:
  1. Reduce the tonnes of CO2 per GB for cloud storage by 20%;
  2. Reduce all business travel emissions per trip by 15%.
By 2050:
  1. Achieve net-zero emissions in all Scopes.

Carbon Reduction Initiatives

Current Strategy


Hadean has implemented Environmental policies, objectives and KPIs in accordance with ISO 14001 and has communicated the importance of the reduction and tracking of our environmental impact to the organisation with the goal for this to be ingrained in the culture.  

An environmental working group meets regularly to monitor progress and drive actions throughout the organisation to bring a business approach to create long-term value with both internal & external impact.

Support for the initiative has been given by the Executive team.

Examples of our current strategy include:

  1. Transition to utilising electric vehicles;
  2. Encouraging virtual meetings to avoid excessive travel emissions;
  3. The implementation and popular use of a hybrid work policy;
  4. Recycling and repurposing old IT equipment;
  5. Educating employees on carbon reduction practices with the support of the ESG committee.

Future Strategy

Considering the results from this report, in combination with Hadean’s goals of reduced emissions, there are further steps Hadean will embark on:

Business Travel

We will review our business travel and assess the need with an aim to reduce the frequency of business travel and continue to use video conferencing where appropriate to do so. Where business travel is essential, we will look to extend offsetting programs to reduce/ neutralise the carbon impact and continue to promote more efficient and sustainable means of transport.

Employee commuting

Hadean supports a hybrid working environment while actively encouraging it’s teams to meet in person where possible. The use of public transport and/or cycling shall continue to be emphasised.

Training and Behaviour change 

Implementation and roll out of staff training and behaviour change projects to be identified.

Digital Operations

Opt for cloud services powered by renewable energy and optimise data storage to reduce energy consumption.

Sustainable Procurement

Prioritise working with suppliers with sustainable business practices and continue to audit supply chain on this basis.


The Executive team will continue to show support to the plan.


This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard (1) and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting (2).

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard (3).

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).

The plan shall be published at


 Document Control

Document Owner

Alastair JenkinsHead of Finance

Document approval

Approved assumes review undertaken prior to approval

VersionDateName TitleApproval Status
1.011/11/2022Board of Directorsn/aApproved
2.004/12/2024Charles WedderburnDirectorApproved

Document Review

VersionDateReviewed / Amended ByStatus
0.110/11/2022Gemma HornseyDraft
1.010/11/2022Charles WedderburnPublished
1.102/12/2024Alastair JenkinsRevised – new year
2.004/12/2024Charles WedderburnPublished

Last update on 4th December 2024